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Auf Lager

MA Lighting GrandMA2 Light

Artikelnummer: 4499
€249,00 Mietpreis (zzgl. MwSt.)

Parameter expansion
The MA NPU is the only unit that expands the parameter count when using a grandMA2 console. Every MA NPU added to the network also adds 4 096 parameters!

A maximum of 15 MA NPUs can be added to give parameters; depending on the biggest console.

There is a maximum limit of 65 536 parameters in a grandMA2 session.

The MA NPUs help with parameter calculations.

1 grandMA2 full-size (8 192 parameters) + 1 NPU (4 096) = 12 288 parameters

1 grandMA2 full-size (8 192 parameters) + 14 NPUs (4 096) = 65 536 parameters (the limit)

1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 1 NPU (4 096) = 8 192 parameters

1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 15 NPUs (4 096) = 65 536 parameters (the limit)

1 grandMA2 full-size (8 192 parameters) + 1 grandMA2 light (4 096) = 8 192 parameters (Consoles cannot expand the parameter count so the parameters from the console with the highest number are unlocked)

1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 15 2Port Node onPC 2K (2 048) = 4 096 parameters (Nodes cannot expand the parameter count, so the parameters from the console is used – onPC nodes cannot give parameters to consoles)

1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 1 onPC computer with a Command Wing (2 048) = 4 096 parameters (Wings cannot expand the parameter count, so the parameters from the console are used – onPC Wings cannot give parameters to consoles)

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Sa. - So. Geschlossen
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+49 (0) 30 - 81 61 603 – 60
Mo. – Fr. 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Sa. - So. Geschlossen
WEMME Events GmbH
Prenzlauer Promenade 44
13089 Berlin

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